Program Director
Lorena Andueza, PhD
Associate Professor of Spanish
Program Director of International Studies
Lorena Andueza, professor of Spanish and TESL, is currently the director of UE's International studies program. She teaches Spanish and Hispanic Linguistics courses in the Languages and Cultures department, courses on intercultural competence, and courses in language acquisition in the department of education. Dr. Andueza has also involved some of her students in UExplore projects, and presented the work in the American Pragmatics Association conference. She has supervised internships locally and abroad, and is always looking for volunteer opportunities in local organizations, where her students can interact with the Hispanic community. Dr. Andueza has taken students abroad: to Spain when she taught a semester in Harlaxton (2018), and to Cuba (2017), as part of one of the ChangeLab courses she has taught.
Dr. Andueza has a PhD and a MA degree in Hispanic Linguistics from The Ohio State University. She also earned a bachelor's degree in Hispanic philology in University of Deusto (Spain) and a master's degree from the University of Antonio Nebrija (Spain) in teaching Spanish as a second language. Her research centers on Hispanic Pragmatics, Semantics, and Syntax. She is the co-editor of the book L2 Spanish Pragmatics: from Research to Practice (Routledge, 2018), and the author of numerous articles and book chapters. She has presented her research nationally and internationally, and has been the recipient of the Global Scholar twice (2014, 2019), which has allowed her to conduct research in Spain, Peru and Mexico.
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Room 356, Olmsted Administration Hall